Communication (COMM)

COMM1000 | Communication in Context | Lecture (3 Credits)

For the better part of every day, technical professionals rely on communication to get work done efficiently and effectively. In this course, you will develop the communication skills critical for successful problem solving in authentic contexts. You will analyze the situation surrounding a particular message and learn to tailor content, language, structure, and design choices to an intended audience.

General Education: Communications

COMM1030 | Project Communication | Lecture (3 Credits)

Create effective communication strategies critical to project success using language and methodology to assess project communication needs, plan for meeting those needs, and effectively communicate project status and forecasts to all stakeholders throughout the project life cycle.

General Education: Communications

COMM1150 | Interpersonal Communication | Lecture (3 Credits)

Analyze the process of interpersonal communication as a dynamic and complex system of interactions. Integrate interpersonal communication theory into work, family and social relationships. Apply fundamental tools needed to provide quality customer service. Decision making, problem solving, and managing customer service processes are emphasized.

General Education: Communications

COMM2900 | Technology in Science Fiction & Fantasy | Lecture (3 Credits)

Technology has always played an important role in science fiction and fantasy literature. From steam-powered flying machines to jacking into cyberspace, stories abound with a dizzying array of imaginative machines and inventive devices. In this course, you will analyze the role that technology has played in science fiction by reading a variety of Steampunk and Cyberpunk texts including novel excerpts, short stories, essays, and manga. You will examine the characteristics of Steam Punk and Cyber Punk.

COMM3000 | Professional Communication | Lecture (2 Credits)

Professional communication in all forms: researching, selecting, synthesizing, and documenting sources; business e-mail and letter writing, as well as public speaking and power point presentation for application in a management setting.

General Education: Upper Communications

COMM4000 | Research Methods | Lecture (3 Credits)

Analyze paradigms, methodologies, and rigorous writing processes for academic and practitioner works. Focus is on the critical investigation of readings, claims, planning, and research ethics.

General Education: Communications

COMM4100 | Technical Writing Capstone | Lecture (3 Credits)

Examine the essentials of writing clearly and efficiently within the framework of argumentative research writing. Formulate a coherent thesis and defend it logically with evidence drawn from research. Practice working through the stages of planning, research, organizing, and revising writing.

General Education: Communications with Writing