College Leadership Structure

Dunwoody’s leadership structure consists of the Board of Trustees, the Leadership Team, deans, associate deans, and directors.

The leadership structure begins with the Board of Trustees, which serves as Dunwoody’s legal governing body. Members of the Board serve voluntary, three-year terms with opportunity for re-election; membership is determined by Board approval.

The Board includes seven officers who are selected by currently serving Board members:

  1. Chairperson
  2. Vice Chair
  3. President
  4. Treasurer
  5. Secretary
  6. Assistant Treasurer 
  7. Assistant Secretary

The Board has five standing committees:

  1. Executive
  2. Academic and Student Affairs
  3. Board Governance
  4. Finance 
  5. Institutional Advancement

At least one member of Dunwoody’s President’s Cabinet serves on each of the Board committees and functions as the liaison between the College administration and the trustees.

The Leadership Team is composed of the following roles:

  • College’s President
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief of Staff & Executive Director of Facilities
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Vice President of Enrollment Management
  • Vice President of Human Resources
  • Vice President of Institutional Advancement
  • Deans, including Academic, Instruction, Student Affairs, & Strategic Analytics

The Leadership Team  serves as the primary communication channel for the leadership of Dunwoody. With members of the Leadership Team supporting the Board of Trustees committee that corresponds with the division or department the members represent; each member of the Leadership Team has a concrete understanding of the most effective strategies for implementing various aspects of the Strategic Plan at the departmental level. Leadership Team members act as Board staff liaisons by first communicating the Board’s goals, objectives, and directives to their direct reports of the respective departments. They then assist in the development and supervision of plans for implementing relevant aspects of the Strategic Plan. Leadership Team members function further as the primary source of communication by reporting the progress of various plans to the Board and academic leadership. As College- wide liaisons, Leadership Team members also gather ideas, data, concerns and questions from the academic leaders, and bring these to the Leadership Team and its respective Board committees for review.

The deans, associate deans, and directors of the various departments and academic programs function as faculty and staff liaisons. Information is disseminated to faculty and staff through departmental meetings and one-on-one meetings. Input from faculty and staff relating to other areas of the College is passed on through the deans, associate deans, and directors. These individuals are chosen to serve on working committees that require their field-related knowledge and expertise.