Student/Alumni Placement

Anthony L. Ferrara Career Services Center

Career Services provides lifelong employment assistance to Dunwoody students and alumni at no cost.

The Career Services Center collaborates with faculty members of all departments to ensure students maximize their career potential. Faculty work with Career Services staff to gather accurate documentation on graduate surveys, coordinate on-campus career fairs and employer information sessions, coordinate job and internship opportunities, and schedule speaking opportunities in classrooms for career preparation.

Many job leads come into Dunwoody via professional connections of faculty and staff. Faculty members are encouraged to pass those job opportunities directly to students in addition to connecting employers with Career Services staff.

Career Services is available to present and lead classroom discussions on:
  • How to best use Dunwoody’s online career management system, Handshake
  • Resumé best practices
  • Preparing for career fairs
  • Job searching and interview preparation
  • Online social media presence
  • Other relevant topics as needed