Employment Standards and Career Development

Qualifications for Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty

Dunwoody College of Technology is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Dunwoody has adopted standards for faculty credentialing consistent with the guidelines outlined in the Higher Learning Commission’s assumed practices. According to the HLC, “faculty credentials refer to the degrees that faculty have earned that establish their credibility as content experts and thus their competence to teach that content in the classroom.”

Dunwoody College of Technology faculty should have completed a program of study in the discipline in which they teach and develop courses with an attained degree at least one level above that of the courses being taught or developed. Further, if a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a discipline other than that in which he or she is teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline in which he or she is teaching. Dunwoody acknowledges that there may be instances where tested experience may substitute for an earned credential or portions thereof. Tested experience qualifications are established for specific disciplines and programs and include skill sets, types of certifications, and/or additional credentials, and experiences. These may include extensive professional work experience and/or licensure and professional certifications in applicable areas. Dunwoody has developed faculty hiring qualifications that outline a minimum threshold of these experiences and a system for evaluating them. As part of the hiring decision, individuals may be asked to complete degrees, certifications, or obtain a membership to a professional organization for continued professional development as a condition of employment. While faculty in each of the Dunwoody disciplines helped develop appropriate tested experience qualifications and measures, hiring decisions are made by the Deans. When an alternative pathway is approved, it is vetted through HR staff for employability, and approved by the Dean of Instruction. In cases where the Dean of Instruction is the hiring manager, the VP of HR will approve the alternative pathway.

Also listed in the table below are the employment standards established for Dunwoody faculty, which may also include employment standards required by specialized accreditors.


Arts & Science Faculty

All faculty teaching courses in communications, arts/humanities, natural sciences/mathematics, and social sciences (general education) will meet one of the following criteria:

  • A master’s degree in the subject in which they are teaching; OR
  • Any master’s degree and 18 graduate credits in the content area in which they are teaching
Technical Faculty

Faculty teaching in a specific technical area will be considered qualified to teach in their respective area of expertise if they have met the tested experience qualifications of the Higher Learning Commission, which may consist of a combination of education, professional certification, and work experience.

Online Faculty 

Faculty teaching online courses must have completed the Foundations training through the Online Learning Consortium (or similar). Training can be arranged through the Office of Instruction.

Teaching at the Associate / Certificate Degree Level

For some professions, an associate’s degree may be the terminal degree with no further education in the subject area available. In these situations, a combination of education, work experience, and industry certifications will provide the assurance that the skill set and professional knowledge are present to be an expert in the field. Where professional accreditation defines the level of expertise needed of faculty, those standards will be used. Minimum standards specific to each professional area include the following:

HVACR Systems Servicing (SERV), HVAC Installation & Residential Service (HEAT), HVAC Installation (HEATSM)

All faculty teaching in the HVAC programs will meet the minimum standards required for HVAC Excellence as established in the HVAC Excellence Accreditation Manual:

  • An associate’s degree in HVACR technology; AND
  • Related credentials, including a valid Refrigerant Transition and Recovery universal certification; AND
  • A minimum of 5 years of related industry experience in the subjects taught

Electrical Construction & Maintenance (ELEC)

All faculty should meet the minimum standards required by the MN Department of Labor and Industry as established in the Electrical Procedures and Training. In addition, faculty should hold at a minimum an associate of applied science in the electrical area they are teaching.

Source: Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. (2017). Electrical Procedures and Training, Section 3801.3865: 10-11.

Electrical Construction Design & Management (ECDM), Electrical drafting & Estimating (ECDE)

All faculty should meet the minimum standards required by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). In addition, faculty will have at minimum an applicable associate’s degree, related credentials (if applicable), and experience in the subjects taught.

Surveying & Civil Engineering Technology (SCVL), Land Surveying (SURV)

Faculty teaching in the surveying program will meet one of the following criteria:

  • A bachelor’s degree in a related field; OR
  • Any bachelor’s degree and a certificate in Land Surveying;
  • A related associate’s degree and related certification and industry experience

Radiologic Technology (RTEC)

Faculty teaching in the Employment standards are consistent with those provided by JRCERT Standards 2021.

Program Director

  • Holds, at minimum, a master's degree;
  • Proficient in curriculum design, evaluation, instruction, program administration, and academic advising;
  • Documents three (3) years clinical experience in the professional discipline;
  • Documents two (2) years experience as an instructor in a JRCERT-accredited program;
  • Holds current American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification and registration, or equivalent, in radiography

Clinical Coordinator

  • Holds, at minimum, a bachelor's degree;
  • Proficient in curriculum development, supervision, instruction, evaluation, and academic advising;
  • Documents two (2) years clinical experience in the professional discipline;
  • Documents one (1) years experience as an instructor in a JRCERT-accredited program;
  • Holds current American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification and registration, or equivalent, in radiography


  • Holds, at minimum, an associate's degree*;
  • Is proficient in supervision, instruction, and evaluation;
  • Documents two (2) years clinical experience in the professional discipline;
  • Holds current American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification and registration, or equivalent, in radiography

*HLC criteria for accreditation and assumed practices.

All Automotive Programs (AUTO, COLL, PACT, TTEN)

All faculty teaching in automotive programs will meet the requirements established by the Automotive Service Excellence’s Education Foundation (ASE ASEEF). Minimum qualifications include:

  • An associate’s degree in automotive technology; AND
  • Current certification for the level of program they teach

Graphic Design and Production (GRDP)

Faculty teaching in the Graphic Design and Production program will meet one of the following criteria:

  • A bachelor’s degree in graphic/experiential design or related field; OR 

  • A bachelor’s degree and relevant industry experience OR 

  • An associate’s degree in graphic/experiential design or related field and relevant industry experience 

All Associate Computer Programs (CNTS, CLDE, CWEB)

Faculty who teach in a program that leads to an associate’s degree in computer technology will have one or more of the following qualifications at minimum:

  • A bachelor’s degree in a computer technology-related field and industry experience; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree and professional certification in the content area in which they will be teaching and industry experience

Construction Project Management (PMGT)

All faculty teaching in the associate and certificate construction management programs will meet one the following criteria:

  • A bachelor’s degree in a construction management related field; OR
  • An associate’s degree in a construction management related field and professional certification in the content area which they are teaching and related industry experience

All Associate and Certificate Manufacturing Programs (ASRO, 3DPT, ELTT, IELT, MDES, ICOT, ICON, MACH, RSNM, WMET, WELD)

Faculty teaching in all associate’s and/or certificate manufacturing programs will have one of the following qualifications:

  • An associate’s degree in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • Specialized certification or advanced industry certification(s)* and qualifying industry experience**

*Examples of advanced certification include: AWS CWI/CWE, CSWP, FANUC, NIMS, PMMI Mechatronics, etc.

**Examples of qualifying industry experience include recent and relevant work history in the industry or specific industry experience in a specialized subset of the discipline. 

facilities maintenance engineering technology (FMET)

Faculty teaching courses in the Facilities Maintenance Engineering Technology associate's program are qualified by the department and/or program that oversees the curriculum of the course prefix.

Teaching at the Baccalaureate Degree Level

Faculty teaching at the baccalaureate degree level will be required to have completed a Master’s degree in their respective area of expertise. This rule will be superseded by the programmatic accreditor working with the program of study. It may be perceived by the programmatic accreditor that a professional certification is sufficient to teach at the baccalaureate level, similar to a CPA teaching accounting. Minimum standards specific to each professional area include the following:

Interior Design (IDSN)

Faculty teaching in the Interior Design program will meet one of the following criteria:

  • A master’s degree in architecture or related field 

  • A bachelor’s degree and 18-graduate credits in architecture or related field; OR 

  • A bachelor’s degree in interior architecture/design or related field and relevant industry experience 

Other standards as required by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) for faculty will also apply.

Architecture (BARCH), Architectural Drafting & Design (ARCH)

Faculty teaching at the associate’s degree level in architecture will have at minimum a bachelor’s degree in architecture and related industry experience.

Faculty teaching at the baccalaureate degree level in architecture will meet one of the following qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in architecture or related field; OR 
  • A bachelor’s degree in architecture or related field and relevant industry experience; OR 
  • A professional bachelor’s degree in architecture and professional licensure OR
  • Any bachelor’s degree and 18 graduate credits in architecture or related field

Other standards as required by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) for faculty will apply.

Construction Management (CMGT)

Faculty teaching in the Construction Management baccalaureate program will meet one of the following qualifications: 

  • Have a master’s degree in a related field; OR
  • Have a bachelor’s degree in construction management or related field and certification in their area of expertise and related industry experience OR
  • Have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in related field to the content they are teaching AND industry experience (example, Construction Law, Construction Accounting).

Business Management & Leadership (AMGT)

All faculty within the Business Management & Leadership program will have a business-related master’s degree and/or 18 graduate credits in the content area in which they will be teaching.

Cybersecurity (CYBR)

Faculty who teach in a program that leads to a baccalaureate degree in computer technology will have one or more of the following education qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree in a computer technology area and a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree and multiple specialized certifications in the subject they will be teaching and industry experience 

Engineering (MENG, SENG, EENG, CENG)

Faculty who teach in a program that leads to a baccalaureate degree in engineering will have met one or more of the following qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • Any master’s degree and a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the subject they will be teaching
  • Any master’s degree and professional licensure in the discipline they will be teaching

All faculty members regardless of education must have 3+ years of industry experience.

Automation & Controls Engineering Technology (AENT), INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY (IENG)

Faculty teaching in the Robotics & Manufacturing baccalaureate programs will meet one of the following qualification criteria:

  • A master’s degree and a minimum of 3 years of industry or teaching experience; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 5 years of industry experience and industry-related credentials*

*Examples of industry-related credentials include advanced certifications or licensures such as a professional engineer (PE) license.

Power & Construction Engineering Technology (PCET)

All faculty should meet the minimum standards required by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). In addition, faculty will meet the following qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the subject they will be teaching; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree in the subject they will be teaching and related professional licensure and related industry experience

Facilities Management (FMGT)

Faculty teaching courses in the Facilities Management Bachelor's program are qualified by the department and/or program that oversees the curriculum of the course prefix.

Faculty Required Degree Plans

Faculty may be required to attain an appropriate degree in a relevant/related field of study from an accredited college or university in order to meet the minimum qualifications defined by their academic department. Faculty who are required to earn a degree must have a plan in place with their dean or director, who must then file it with Human Resources, and be actively pursuing their degree. Those who are seeking a degree as a condition of employment should utilize one or both of the forms below:

  • Degree Planning Form completed and approved prior to attending any college or university courses under the tuition reimbursement program
  • Tuition Reimbursement Form, receipts, and course grades submitted to Human Resources for reimbursement and the employee’s professional development file