Arts & Sciences Department

Earning a Degree from Minnesota

Dunwoody's Arts & Sciences curriculum aligns with the degree standards set by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for each degree level. The number and type of Arts & Sciences courses a student takes depends on the requirements of their specific degree program. 

The Arts & Sciences curriculum offers courses in five different content areas:

  • Communication
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Social Science
  • Mathematics, and
  • Natural Science

Hawk Core Curriculum

The Hawk Core Curriculum prepares students to translate their passion for a future profession into career success by learning to communicate effectively, construct professional behaviors, form ethical decisions, and solve problems.

As part of Dunwoody's Core Curriculum, students complete COMM1000, SSCI1000, HUMN1000 (School of Design students complete ARTS1000), and math or science course based on their program. All students follow their academic plans and complete any additional program-specified courses or select from elective courses.

All of Dunwoody's academic plans include a curated mix of Arts & Sciences and technical courses based on the specific needs of the degree program to support career readiness skills in combination with technical proficiencies. Faculty Advisors work with students to ensure their Arts & Sciences courses align with their academic degree plan and their transfer courses.

Flexible Learning Options

Courses are offered during fall and spring semesters, J-Term (3 week), and Summer Session A and B (four weeks each).

The Arts & Sciences curriculum delivers many classes in flexible options for students including in-person, fully online, and hybrid.


Dunwoody's Arts & Sciences courses are available for PSEO students, earning the student dual credit towards both a high school diploma and college degree.

Program Outcomes for Arts, Humanities, Communications, and Social Sciences:

  • Construct written, oral, and visual communication for author, audience, text, context, and purpose.
  • Apply ethically and civically responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings in a dynamic society.
  • Collaborate to promote inquiry, discover solutions, and generate new ideas and creative works that are relevant and responsive to the world around them.
  • Explain concepts that influence the behavior and decisions of individuals and institutions.
  • Access, evaluate, and use information gathered through a variety of resources and technologies in developing projects and presentations.
  • Connect and transfer skills and learning among disciplines, domains of thinking, experiences, and situations.

Program Outcomes for Math and Sciences:

  • Analyze natural phenomena by using math and science principles. 
  • Interpret solutions supported by reason and evidence. 
  • Solve math and science problems using formulas and equations. 
  • Apply research and problem-solving skills.