Student Code of Conduct

Guiding Principles

In order for Dunwoody to fulfill its mission of preparing students for their careers, developing into leaders, and engaging in “the better performance of life’s duties,” the College has a vested interest in maintaining an environment in which all students can pursue their academic responsibilities. Professional and career development is integral to our culture, and it is the expectation that students conduct themselves as they would in all employment situations.

The Student Code of Conduct provides guidance on conduct that is not in accordance with our mission. Conduct that is not in accordance with the pursuit of our mission is subject to sanction by the College. The Code of Conduct is designed to provide students due process, to ensure the protection of all students, and to provide outcomes to conduct violations. These procedures are not courts of law nor should be seen as a replacement for such activities, rather these are fair procedures that foster accountability and development of our students and allow the college to serve its mission.

Scope and Reach

The Code of Conduct applies to all students and student organizations at Dunwoody College of Technology. The code applies to all conduct that occurs at any college facility, online platform, college sponsored activity, or student organization activity. At the discretion of the Dean of Students (or delegate), the code shall apply to off campus conduct that adversely affects a college interest or potentially violates a college policy.

Dual Membership

Students are, simultaneously, members of our college community and civic citizens. Therefore, students are responsible for their actions within the College and to the larger civic community.

Filing a Report

You may have witnessed a violation occur or have been directly impacted by a code of conduct violation and need to report the incident.

Once received, the Conduct Officer will examine the report to determine if an investigation should be pursued based on four pieces of information:

  1. The factual merit of the report
  2. The current conduct standing of involved students
  3. If any policy violations have occurred
  4. If any sanctions could be imposed

Students may be directed to a specific form pertaining to:

Notification of a Report

Should an investigation be determined, then a notification will be sent to the student(s) that a code of conduct violation report has been filed and the steps involved in the process. Additionally, a copy of the code of conduct will be provided as a reference. If no action is determined necessary, then the report will stay on file for future reference should the need arise. The notification will occur in no less than 10 College days from the day the report is filled.

Acceptance of Incident

Students accused of a code of conduct violation have the right to the conduct process. However, should the accused student accept responsibility for the alleged code of conduct violation, they can waive their right to all associated conduct procedures and accept their sanction(s) from the Conduct Officer. A written notification will be sent to the accused detailing the outcome of the meeting, sanctions imposed, and the appeal process.

Notification of a Conduct Meeting

The accused student will receive a notification of a conduct meeting. The notice will include:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location of the meeting
  • A copy of the code of conduct with the specific violation highlighted

If the student fails to appear for the meeting, then the conduct process continues and a decision will be made with all available evidence.

During the meeting, the accused has the ability to explain the events as they remember or turn in any additional evidence. The meeting is between the accused, the Conduct Officer and Associate Dean/Director from their technical program (if applicable). Other attendees, either at the same meeting or at different times may include; faculty, staff, the complainant, or other students with pertinent information.

After the Conduct Meeting is held and all evidence is collected and reviewed, the Conduct Officer will determine if it is more likely than not that a violation of the code of conduct occurred. The College uses the preponderance of evidence for determining the outcome of all conduct report investigations. In other words: is it more likely than not that a violation occurred? A written notification will be sent to the accused detailing the outcome of the meeting, sanctions imposed, and the appeal process.

Administrative Interim Suspension

In some conduct investigations, students may be placed on an interim suspension. An interim suspension is not considered a conduct decision but, rather, a measure to ensure the normal operation of the College. An interim suspension may occur:

  • When there appears to be an immediate threat to the physical or emotional safety of students, staff, faculty, college property, or another member of the larger civil community
  • When there appears to be an immediate threat to the free movement of any member of the college community
  • For no longer than 2 weeks

Non-Retaliation Clause

Throughout the conduct process retaliation is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, behavior that is perceived as or is threatening, abusive, hateful, or otherwise intended to seek harm on another individual involved in the conduct process with the intention to reduce their representation in such process. A separate conduct case will be initiated to investigate any accusation of retaliation with compounding sanctions.

Conduct Offensives

The following is given only as a list of examples that may constitute a conduct offense while on campus or in the online learning environment. The College may also sanction other behavior not listed below:

  • Abuse of the code of conduct: Behavior that is intended to use the code of conduct for another purpose with the intent to manipulate or disrupt the College policy or cause harm to another person.
  • Academic dishonesty: Behavior such as cheating, plagiarism, falsifying data, or deception within the learning environment. See Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Classroom disruptions: Behavior in the classroom, lab, or during off site learning engagements that is considered inappropriate, disrupts the normal operation of the learning environment, and/or non-compliant with professional standards.
  • Destruction of college property, vandalism: Damage, destruction, or altering college property. Defacing College property with offensive graffiti, slogans, or any other altercation of college property meant to disparage or intimidate others.
  • Disorderly conduct: Behavior that is considered obstructive or disruptive that interferes with normal College operations or inappropriate acts of disobedience towards college staff or faculty such as failure to comply with emergency procedures.
  • Falsification: Deliberately providing incorrect, false, or misleading information to the College with the intention to harm, mislead, defraud, or gain an advantage.
  • Hazing: Any behavior that is perceived as threatening or endangers a student or physical property for initiation into or affiliation with any student club, group, or professional organization.
  • Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of drugs or alcohol: The College prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, narcotics, recreational marijuana, medical marijuana, and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activity, regardless of location.
  • Rioting: The assembly of three or more people with the intention to disrupt the normal operation of the College. This includes, but is not limited to, behavior that is perceived as or is threatening, property damage, chanting offensive slogans or any other action meant to disparage or intimidate others, blocking of emergency exits or other emergency services, or insubordination of an official College direction.
  • Sexual assault (reference Title IX section): Behavior that is in violation of our, Sexual Misconduct policy.
  • Student appearance: Clothing should be appropriate for the work being performed. Students are expected to maintain a neat, clean appearance. Students should not wear any clothing that may be deemed offensive, i.e. wearing or displaying, while on campus or presenting themselves online, any symbols that are designed to, or have the effect of, harassing, demeaning, intimidating, or disparaging any legally protected minority.
    • Safety wear: Students in clinical, internship, shop, and laboratory classes should wear clothing typical of the field of work. Shop coats, aprons, coveralls, or other protective garments are recommended for many courses. Students are responsible for providing personal safety wear required in some courses, such as protective goggles, earplugs, gloves, and hard hats. Items purchased elsewhere must meet applicable state and federal requirements. Caps or hairnets, which fully restrain long hair, may also be required in certain work environments. Faculty will provide students with a list of safety items necessary for the learning environment.
  • Technology: Any violation of the College’s Technology Policies, including, but not limited to the following:
    • Use Dunwoody-owned/supplied communications system, such as e-mail or voicemail, to threaten, intimidate, or harass others.
    • Use Dunwoody-owned/supplied systems or content for the distribution of political campaign materials or financial gain, whether personal or commercial, including spam, chain letters, solicitation of business or services, sales of property, etc.
    • Abuse of email systems including spoofing sender addresses, forging the identity of a user or machine in an e-mail message, and/or sending unauthorized all-campus email messages.
    • Create, store, process, browse, or display any racially- offensive, gender-offensive or likewise obscene material including pornography.
    • Consume network or computer resources to the exclusion of another’s use. For example: overloading the network with legitimate (i.e., file backup, videos, etc.) or illegitimate (i.e., denial of service attack) activities.
    • Attach any device or computer not owned or supplied by Dunwoody to the campus network without prior authorization.
    • Post or transmit Dunwoody’s confidential materials, policies, or procedures on websites, electronic bulletin boards, chat rooms, and/or other publicly accessible digital media, that violate existing laws, regulations, or Dunwoody’s policies or codes of conduct.
  • Theft: The act of taking property or goods from another person, College facility, or student organization without consent.
  • Threatening, violent, or aggressive behavior: Any physical, mental, or verbal behavior that is perceived as threatening or endangers the health, safety, and wellness of another individual; the normal operation of the College or College facilities; or that is perceived as promoting or promotes hatred, violence or prejudice within our community or towards another individual or group. Chanting offensive slogans or any other action meant to disparage or intimidate others.
  • Unapproved Peaceful AssemblyThe assembly of three or more people that was not previously approved.
  • Unauthorized use or misuse of college facilities: Inappropriate use of College facilities such as labs, property, or technology. Unauthorized entry into college facilities including databases, college property, or storage locations.
  • Violation of College rules / guest behavior: Behavior that would constitute a violation of any College policies, procedures, or rules. Students are responsible for the behavior and actions of their guests.
  • Violation of laws: Any behavior that violates city, state, county, local, or federal laws.
  • Weapons and fireworks: Weapons, objects perceived as weapons, or dangerous articles are not allowed on College property or at a college sponsored activity. This includes, but is not limited to, swords, guns, pellet guns, incendiary devices, explosives, or dangerous chemical/biological agents. Fireworks are not allowed on college property.


The following sanctions may be imposed on any student or student organization found to be in violation of the code of conduct or any other College policy. The sanction will be in relation to the violation as more severe or pervasive violations will result in more severe sanctions. The following list is not exclusive as other sanctions may be imposed that fit within the guiding principles of this policy.

The following sanctions may include additional conditions such as a reflection activity, restitution of financial damages, mental health counseling, meeting with staff on a rotating basis, removal of college property, failing an academic course, or pursuing legal actions.

  • Warning: A written or verbal notification to a student that their behavior has violated the code of conduct.
  • Probation: The conditions of the probation are based on the intensity of the violation. While on probation, if the student violates another College policy or does not follow the stipulations of the probation, then they may be suspended from the College. The probation notification explains: the stipulations of the probation, the length of the suspension, assigned probation conditions, appeal options, and an explanation that any further violation of the code of conduct or failure to follow the stipulations of the probation may result in immediate suspension from the College.
  • Suspension: A suspension means that the violation was severe enough to involuntarily separate the student from the College for a certain length of time. The suspension notification explains the stipulations of the suspension, the length of the suspension, assigned suspension conditions, appeal options, and College reentry conditions.
  • Expulsion: An expulsion means that the violation was severe enough to permanently and involuntarily separate the student from the College. The notification explains the stipulations of the expulsion and the assigned expulsion conditions.

Appeal Procedure

A sanction imposed by the Conduct Officer may be appealed. The Appeal Form must be submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs, Kelli Sattler, within 10 days of receipt of the sanction notification. If applicable, the Dean of Student Affairs will coordinate the appeal decision with the Dean from their technical program or the Dean of Instruction, if there is a conflict of interest. After reviewing the evidence and facilitating additional meetings as needed, the Dean(s) shall send written notice of the decision to the student in 10 business days. The decision of the Dean(s) is final. 

Peaceful assembly and expression

Dunwoody College of Technology acknowledges the importance of providing members of the College community with the rights of freedom of expression, petition, and peaceful assembly. This policy informs students of the manner in which they may engage in expression at the College, while ensuring continuity of educational operations. This includes but is not limited to the following types of activities:

Demonstration: A large group of people, usually gathering for a political cause. It usually includes a group march, ending with a rally or a speaker.

March: A walk by a group of people to a place in order to express an objection with or support for an event, situation, or policy.

Picket Line: A line or group of people who are refusing to go to work or class until their demands are met.

Protest: A protest is a way to express objections with any event, situation, or policy. These objections can be manifested either by actions or by words.

Sit-In: Any organized protest in which a group of people peacefully occupy and refuse to leave college premises.

Vigil: In observance of a commemorative activity or event meant to demonstrate unity.

Dunwoody College of Technology retains the right to establish reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions concerning acts of expression in order to preserve the educational and business functions of the College. This policy does not apply to expression that falls outside Constitutional protection, such as libel, slander, obscenity, "true threats," or speech that incites imminent violence or law-breaking.

During times like these, we want to ensure that all students feel supported in their academic journey. When event(s) are impacting students’ daily experiences, we are here for you. Upon request or after any peaceful assembly request, Dunwoody may facilitate an open circle session and/or offer guidance around academic supports and resources provided by the College to keep students on track. Dates and times will be communicated to the campus community.


Events may occur only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on business days that fall within the academic calendar. Events outside of these hours are permitted on campus with prior approval and in accordance with applicable rules.


The College has designated the following area for students to engage in expression and assembly outside of the classroom: outside the East entrance of the main building (in between main and Warren). Pending various conditions related to campus events, weather, format, or the size of the assembly, a different location may be provided at the time of approval.


No temporary structures are permitted as part of an approved assembly. Everything that is brought in must be brought out. Use of amplified sound equipment is permitted so long as it does not disturb college business and/or neighboring community members. Using props or people to impede access to entrances or parking lots or interfering with the free flow of pedestrian or other traffic into and out of campus buildings and rooms, and grounds is prohibited.

Students or student organizations who want to use this designated area are required to register with the Dean of Student’s Office at least two business days that fall within the academic calendar prior to the assembly. Requests will not be denied based on the subject matter of the expression, so long as it does not promote or advocate hatred, discrimination, hostility, or violence. Where expression or assembly is threatening, inciting of violence, or harassing such that it disrupts college activities or the student experience, students will be given dispersal warnings by Dunwoody’s Department of Public Safety to cease activities, separate, and leave Dunwoody’s premises.

Unapproved student assemblies violate Dunwoody’s Student Code of Conduct. Public participation in student assemblies is not permitted. All participants will be directed to cease activities, disperse, and leave Dunwoody’s premises.