Accommodation Requests

Dunwoody is committed to creating equal access and opportunity to all campus and online programs and services for persons with disabilities. Means of equal access are provided to students with documented disabilities to provide them the opportunity to show their abilities and capabilities, not highlight their disabilities. Students are responsible for initiating the learning accommodation process. This is different than high school. Please see the chart below that explains the differences between high school and college learning accommodations and explore our process, below.

At any time throughout the process, please feel free to reach out to our Associate Dean of Student Affairs, John Richardson.

Process for Learning Accommodations

  1. Students can request an accommodation for a disability or a special need by completing a Student Request for Learning Accommodations or Special Need Form, which can be obtained directly from Student Affairs.
  2. A student must provide current documentation from an appropriate licensed professional or agency. Documentation should include educational, medical, psychological, and/or other diagnostic evaluations that define the nature of the disability. In addition, this information should outline how the condition(s) may affect the student academically, along with a recommendation for appropriate accommodations. Please note that IEP’s and 504 plans are not used to define disabilities or accommodations, however, they are helpful in the accommodations process to see what has worked in an educational setting in the past.
  3. Once all documentation is received and the request form is filled out, then the Associate Dean of Students will certify eligibility for disability services and determine reasonable accommodations. Some accommodation requests will be reviewed with the student’s Academic Dean or the Dean of Student Affairs depending on the request.  If you would like to schedule a meeting regarding an accommodation, contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs may reach out to the student during this process.
  4. If the accommodation request is complete and approved, then the student works with the instructor for each class to define the details of the request. The student and faculty will use the student’s accommodation letter to clearly state what the accommodations look like for each class. For example, extra time for a lab class will look different than extra time for a lecture class. This avoids confusion for both parties. Every effort must be made to ensure the requested accommodations are in place. Faculty and/or students should consult with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs if additional information or clarification of an accommodation is needed.

Learning Accommodations in High School Versus College

In High School In College
The school identifies students with disabilities. The school protects a student’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
The school district is responsible for evaluating and documenting the student’s learning disability. The student is responsible for providing current documentation of the disability to the college.
The school automatically incorporates accommodations into the student’s daily schedule once a disability is documented. The student must request accommodations each time they are needed.
The school modifies the educational programs. The college makes reasonable adjustments in instructional programs which do not alter the essential content or requirements of a course or program.
Parents are advocates for their children. Students are their own advocates.
Special classes and placement must be available for students. Colleges are not required to provide special classes or programs for students with disabilities.
Parents are notified and must give permission for any decisions regarding their son or daughter. Parents are not notified of services their son or daughter requests unless the student grants permission for that information to be released.
An IEP meeting is held to determine placement and appropriate services. Students work with college professionals and instructors to determine if and what services are appropriate.
The school provides assessment of disabilities. The school provides access to testing services which are accessible to persons without disabilities.