Special Requests and Complaints

Dunwoody College of Technology is committed to providing a high quality academic environment. As such any concerns or complaints that a student may have will be taken seriously and will be reviewed and followed to resolution. Below, Dunwoody outlined a process for various types of student complaints and special requests.

Student Complaints Disclaimer

Dunwoody College of Technology is licensed and registered through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, to whom students may want to submit certain types of complaints. To contact the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, please find their process and procedure here.

Students may also contact Registration and Licensing at the address below:

Registration & Licensing
Office of Higher Education
1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108
651-256-3965 or 1-800-657-3866
secure fax 651-797-1664


Students can make special requests of the College by completing a Request Form which requires a Dunwoody account to complete. These requests can be made by the student independently or in consultation with their technical Program Director, Associate Dean, or Dean, or Department of Student Affairs. All completed Student Request forms are to be submitted to the Associate Dean of Students for consideration. Once the request is submitted, the Associate Dean of Students will notify the student of the determination as promptly as possible. Most determinations will be made immediately with every effort made to respond within 10 business days of submission. 

Types of Complaints

Academic and Non-Academic

Requested by students regarding the facilitation of their learning and their student role. Please refer to the “Complaint Procedure for Academic and Non-Academic Complaints” below.

Grade Appeals

Please refer to the “Grade Appeal Policy” 


Please refer to the “Unlawful Harassment and Sexual Conduct Policy” 

Sexual Misconduct

Please refer to the “Unlawful Harassment and Sexual Conduct Policy” 

Complaint Procedure for Academic and Non-Academic Complaints

Most requests or concerns are best addressed as near as possible to the source of the concern with the individual involved, if appropriate. If the concern is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, if the complainant feels unsure of who to talk with or is uncomfortable, or if the complainant has additional concerns, the Associate Dean of Students should be contacted to facilitate the request or complaint policy. 

  • All requests and complaints received must be in writing using a Request Formor a Complaint Form. The Complaint Form is available upon request from the Associate Dean of Students. 

  • All requests and complaints are to be filed and discussed with the Associate Dean of Students. 

  • Any complaint involving medical information will be protected by the College and confidentiality will be maintained. Release will not take place without the student’s consent. After the complaint has been discussed, an investigation will occur. 

  • The length of the investigation will vary depending on the circumstances. Most investigations will be resolved rapidly– basic requests the same day; others where more investigation is required in less than 20 working days; only in the rare complex case will the investigation take more than 60 days. The student will be informed as to the progress in investigating the complaint. 

  • The student involved will be notified of the outcome of the investigation and resolution process either verbally or in writing dependent upon the complaint. 

  • It is understood that when the complaint involves two individuals at the College, retaliation is not tolerated and will be dealt with consistency and with college policies. Any retaliation is to be reported immediately to the Associate Dean of Students. 

  • If the student is concerned with the outcome, they may submit an Appeal Form to the Dean of Student Affairs within 10 business days of receiving the outcome. An appeal is not considered a rehearing of the concern, but a review of the outcome based upon the results of the investigation that was undertaken. The student will be notified of the results of the Dean of Student Affairs review in writing within 10 business days of filing the appeal. All appeals received by the Dean of Student Affairs will be logged and analyzed for continuous quality improvement purposes consistent with Federal Title IV requirements.