Student Organizations

The Department of Student Affairs encourages the development of student organizations.  Participation in such activities can provide students with opportunities for personal growth in leadership, citizenship, interpersonal skills, communication skills, cultural competency, and cooperation.  The goals and objectives of each organization and support group will differ depending upon the type of organization and its membership.

How to Start a Student ORganization

All Student Organizations should adhere to the following guidelines (LEAP) to help develop their leadership skills and in the spirit of Dunwoody's mission "to develop into leaders and entrepreneurs, and to engage in the "better performance of life's duties": 

Link group interests in enhancing leadership, citizenship, interpersonal skills, communication skills, cultural competency, and education. 

Encourage opportunities for social interaction among members. 

Assist in the development of personal and organizational leadership skills by facilitating self-initiated and self-directed activities (must be led by students, not advisors). 

Promote community/diversity awareness and responsibility. 

Positively impact Dunwoody and the school’s strategic objectives through appropriate planning and implementation of all projects and activities.


Requirements for Student Organizations:   

Every student organization shall have at least one advisor who is a Dunwoody employee, faculty or staff, who attends all meetings and organization events. 

All organizations must: 

  1. Student organizations shall not discriminate any membership on the basis of race/ethnicity, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or ability.
  2. Establish effective and appropriate procedures and/or by-laws to facilitate meetings 
  3. Recruit and select members 
  4. Communicate between members, advisors, and Dunwoody 
  5. Manage Student Organization budget. Organizations must follow the fundraising and accounting guidelines as seen in the "Fundraising" section.
  6. Observe student privacy regulations (FERPA)
  7. Resolve issues and/or complaints in a timely manner consistent with existing Dunwoody College of Technology policies and procedures such as Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy and Student Code of Conduct.
  8. Record attendance and student organization's advisor is responsible for collection.
  9. As appropriate, all students shall have the opportunity to participate in the organization’s activities.
  10. The Dean of Students' office has the right to deny funds that may not have appropriate connection/benefit to Student Organization.
  11. All events and guests hosted by a Student Organization must be approved by the Dean of Students' office.

If guidelines are not met, the Student Organization may be put on a one-semester probation period where they may be denied funds. 

To start your Student Organization, please fill out this form.

Advisor Duties

The staff or faculty advisor is the central to the success of our student clubs and organizations as she sets the tone, norms, and acts as a guide for our student clubs and organizations. The advisor fulfills a key piece of Dunwoody’s Mission, “. . . (for our students) to develop into leaders and entrepreneurs, and to engage in “the better performance of life’s duties”. Our staff and faculty advisors are the role models that challenge our students to become leaders in their industry.  

As an advisor, you are not responsible for initiating a club, organization, or association, however you are responsible for the following. Failure to comply with this agreement will make your club or organization ineligible for the allocated student activity fees which are managed through our Student Leadership Council. 

As an advisor, you agree to carry out the following duties with my student organization 

  • Attend all organizational leadership meetings 

  • Approve or deny all organization expenditures 

  • Assist in managing the organizations budget  

  • Attend at least one club and association advisor meeting per academic year and read meeting minutes of missed meetings. 

  • Submit an annual assessment of student learning (Applicable to Cocurricular Student Organizations)

  • Serve in this role for one academic year 

  • Supervise and help implement all advertising of the organization 

  • Assist as primary contact in resolving issues, complaints, and needs of the organization 

  • Follow the Development’s department fundraising guidelines as found in the Student Handbook 

  • Provide any concerns to Dean of Students' Office,

Student Responsibilities

As a student leader and a representative of Dunwoody,  your actions and your student organization actions are a reflection of our community.  As a student organization, your organization follows the policies and regulations of Dunwoody, such as the Code of Conduct and our Sexual Assault and harassment policy, and the policies within this section of Student Life. 

Policy for Student Organization Fundraisers

Student Organization fundraising allows for our students to experience more opportunities through their organizations such as national and regional conferences. Please see the areas below on the policies and procedures for raising money as a student organization.

Student Leadership Council Funding Request

The Student Activity Fund is administered through the Dunwoody Student Leadership Council. This fund was established to support student initiated events and activities. It is intended to provide a secondary option after fundraising. This is for future spending and not a reimbursement for previous purchases.

The Budget Request Process 

Please submit a Budget and Funding Request Form and a typed statement outlining the purpose of the funding and the impact it will have on your organization, department, and the College as a whole (if applicable) to Student Affairs,

  • Up to $200 can be requested in writing.  
  • Fund requests over $200 will also require a brief presentation by the individual organization representatives. 
  • Organizations can request funding up to $1,000 total from Student Leadership Council for the year. 
  • Students are also encouraged to do pre-approved fundraising activities that will increase the balance of their individual organization budget.
  • The deadline for submitting Funding Request form is April 15th.

Accounting Procedures for Fundraising

Student Organizations who want to hold fundraisers should complete a Fundraiser Request Form and turn it into Accounting at least 2 days prior to event.

Credit card payments are only to be taken via the Clover Flex credit card readers.  The student organization will be assigned a PIN number for these machines which will correspond the four digit Fund Number in the G/L.  The PIN’s are set up through the Clover Online Portal.  The Role for these users is Student Org and the Faculty advisor is the person who is entered for set up.

A cash box with $100 in change ($25 in 1’s, $45 in 5’s and $30 in 10’s) will be kept on hand in the safe for student fundraisers.  (This will be part of the Cash On Hand)

Food and Beverage

Taher Catering is our current food service provider. When ordering food catering for events, you must contact Taher ( at least two weeks in advance of event/meeting. Taher will need final count at least one week prior to event. Student Organizations should assign a spokesperson to communicate with Taher, to ensure clear communication and expectations.

As Taher is our on campus food service provider, student organizations must receive a quote from them when considering third party vendors for food when conducting larger events or fundraisers. Larger events are considered events that are serving food to people outside of your club. For example, anything larger than a student organization meeting. 

Campus Room Reservations

Student Leaders: Please see your Advisor to reserve rooms on campus due to Dunwoody's intranet access limitations.

For Advisors: To reserve classrooms or meeting rooms for their student organization meetings or campus events, please access 25Live to reserve rooms. To access the site, log-in via Dunwoody Launchpad and click on the icon. If you have any questions, please contact Dean of Students' Office at


There are several ways to communicate news and information about your club or organization. 

To have a calendar posting on The Hub (Canvas) and/or for the on campus calendars, please fill out this form or email

To create a poster for student bulletin boards, please contact Student Affairs at as well as Marketing at

To display an announcement on the campus plasma screens, please contact Marketing at

To promote an event or activity in the College’s weekly newsletter, the DC Weekly, (for students) and/or the Dunwoody Observer (for employees), please contact Marketing at

Common communication needs include club recruitment, fundraisers, and school-wide events and activities. Please note these platforms should only be used when looking to promote your activity to the College as a whole. A different means of communication should be used when communicating directly to members of your club.

Off Campus, Hybrid, and Virtual Expectations

All Student Organization off campus and virtual events are held to the same standards as on campus events. The polices and procedures within the student handbook and catalog are applicable to all student organization events regardless of location or virtual space.